
Avv. Franco Stefanelli

Law Firm

Via Roma n. 55

I-42121 Reggio Emilia (RE), Italia

Tel. + 39 0522 43.77.56

Fax + 39 0522 150.30.19

 Email maildesk @ slfs.it

Health emergency Codiv-19

At Studio Legale Franco Stefanelli, we take the consequences this pandemic will have on our lives very seriously and we adopted precautionary health measures since March 8th, 2020, to safeguard our Clients, our relatives and we all working ad #SLFS.

But we did not stop our services: we respect the rules and we strictly keep a physical distance between each other.

Physical distance means we can’t touch, but it does not mean we can’t get in touch: secure communication through email is a way; but we are glad to collaborate with you through platforms as

Jitsi Meet

Microsoft® Teams
Microsoft® Skype

Eventually, you can keep in touch with us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, via email (maildesk @ slf.it) o phone + 39 0522 437756.